Childcare Choices: Help for Households
About Childcare Choices -
Childcare Choices is a cross-government campaign that aims to make more parents aware of the financial support on offer to help them with the costs of childcare.

While most families in the UK are entitled to some form of support, many are missing out because they simply
don’t know they are eligible. And from April 2024, even more working parents can get help with their
childcare costs, starting with 15 hours childcare for 2-year olds.

The Childcare Choices website has now been updated to allow parents to find out what they will be
eligible for and when to apply. They will also be able to sign up to a newsletter which will give them further
information as the expansion is rolled out.

Financial support is not limited to just nurseries and childminders. Depending on eligibility criteria, this support
could also be used for breakfast clubs; after-schools clubs; activity clubs; holiday clubs; home care
workers and play schemes. Support is available through Tax-Free Childcare for children up to 11, or 16 if
disabled, and with Universal Credit for Childcare can help with childcare costs for children aged 0-16.

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